Information and Communication Technology..

It's a disgrace that the importance of data and information was understood since the past and various methods were followed to create information. It basically happened in a handful. There, spending time, lack of efficiency, information on human errors also not being definite and trustworthy, spending storage space not enough exchange and not matching data (i.e. the same data being differently in different files makes it difficult to update data here) etc Problems arise. Information and communication technology came as a solution to these.

The dawn of information and communication technology.

Over time, various methods and tools were created for data creation. But these only did communication tasks. . As the e.g. The phone is on the radio. Later, with the creation of Charles Babage computer, the task was able to create more easily and efficiently, as well as accurate and quality information. Also, the growing communication technology along with IT also joined this. This is considered the birth of information and communication technology.
The collection of all technologies that perform the tasks of creating, managing, storing and communicating information is known as information and communication technology. Computers are the key factors for birth, survival, growth.
With this the whole world is becoming a universal village. Endless relationships, sharing information using interactive technology, unlimited access to data, removal of hand-fundamental methods through networking methods have created the ability to create information and communicate very fastly and easily (such as storage space).
The ability to inquire information included in a certain media is called the information summit. In the past, this cost a lot of time and use of screaming, palm, articles, animal use etc. But today's emails, texts, websites etc have the ability to access data and information at any place at a low cost in a very short time